Step 1: Set Up Your Axioma AI Chatbot
To begin the integration process, you’ll need to sign into your Axioma AI account. If you haven’t created an account yet, sign up for a free account. Once logged in, proceed to set up your chatbot by uploading relevant data sources. These data sources can include files, text snippets, websites, or question-and-answer pairs, which will form the knowledge base for your chatbot.
Step 2: Generate and Copy the Axioma AI Chatbot Embed Code
1. After configuring your chatbot, navigate to your dashboard page and select the specific bot you wish to embed. Clicking on the Edit under the Actions of the chosen bot should take you to the bot’s General page.
2. On the chatbot General page, locate and click on the Deploy tab.
3. For security reasons, enter the domain(s) where the chatbot will be installed.
3. Next, two tabs will be enabled that displays the HTML code snippet for embedding your chatbot. Copy this Pop-up embed by clicking the “Copy Code” button.
With the embed code in hand, you are now ready to proceed with the integration process within your Wix application.
Step 3: Sign Into Your Wix Account and Embed Your Chatbot
1. Sign in to your Wix website and head to your dashboard.
2. On your dashboard, locate and click on the Design Site in the top right corner of the page.
3. Your site should load your site on the Wix website editor.
4. Scroll down to any section of the website you wish to add the AxiomaBot chatbot.
5. Click the big plus (Add Elements) button on the left sidebar of the Wix site editor.
6. Scroll down to locate and click on Embed Code, followed by Popular Embeds and then Custom Code.
7. The custom code widget should pop up, click + Add Custom Code in the top right
8. Paste the code snippet into the custom code editor.
9. Provide a name for your code.
10. Choose an option under Add Code to Pages.
11. Choose where to place your code under Place Code in
12. Click Apply. Once you’ve applied the changes, preview your website and you should see the floating AxiomaBot chat icon on your website.
Congratulations, your AxiomaBot chatbot is now live on your Wix website.
Note: You can customize the appearance and colors of your bot on your AxiomaBot dashboard. To do this, go to your dashboard, choose a bot, click the ChatBot Interface tab on the left side of the page to reveal the chatbot customization options.